History of Angola


History of Angola


Angola was first settled by San hunter-gatherer societies before the northern domains came under the rule of Bantu states such as Kongo and Ndongo. In the 15th century, Portuguese colonists began trading, and a settlement was established at Luanda during the 16th century. Portugal annexed territories in the region which were ruled as a colony from 1655, and Angola was incorporated as an overseas province of Portugal in 1951. After the Angolan War of Independence, which ended in 1974 with an army mutiny and leftist coup in Lisbon, Angola achieved independence in 1975 through the Alvor Agreement. After independence, Angola entered a long period of civil war that lasted until 2002.

História de Angola (Português)

A história de Angola encontra-se documentada do ponto de vista arqueológico desde o Paleolítico, através de fontes escritas e orais, desde meados do primeiro milénio. Este país da África Austral constituiu-se na situação de uma colónia portuguesa, estatuto que teve até 11 de Novembro de 1975, quando acedeu à independência na sequência de uma guerra de libertação e de um golpe militar na então "metrópole".